Victoria Lacroix

⇐ Blog

This Website is Now ""

2025/Jan 28


Just an update for anyone who might have read the site prior to today, January 28th 2025. This site has moved to a new domain, Old links should redirect to the new domain.

This is a change I’ve wanted to make for some time. In my experience, it should be much less confusing, as on multiple occasions folks have mistyped the old domain name thinking it was just my surname.

The new domain name, like the old one, is a shortened version of my name. It is VicToRia LacroiX, with five letters taken to create a short five letter alias to me.

I’ve already used Mastodon under the vtrlx for some time and had previously changed my GitHub username to match, so this change is simply the completion of something which was already underway.